5 min read

Three Reasons to Take Ballroom Lessons in Sarasota!

Since nothing is classier than a fancy tango or waltz, why not take ballroom lessons in Sarasota?
Three Reasons to Take Ballroom Lessons in Sarasota!

Sarasota is quickly becoming a hub for dancing. With a varied demographic and a happy, healthy population, many are looking to add fun and classy leisure pursuits to their lifestyle here. Since nothing is classier than a fancy tango or waltz, why not take ballroom lessons in Sarasota?

Why Take Ballroom Dancing Lessons?

While most may consider dancing a form of art, it's actually closer to a sport. Yes, we've all seen Dancing with the Stars, right? The competition can get really intense, and the athleticism needed for certain types of choreography is quite extreme. But that's at the top levels of dancesport. At any level, ballroom dancing can be a fun, safe, and therapeutic activity for all ages!

Ballroom dancing at SL Studios can be therapeutic!

At SouL Dance, we have dancers of all ages who want to learn ballroom dancing for fun. Others come to us wanting to become competitive dancers. Then we have couples looking for a new hobby or a chance to impress their loved ones on their wedding day. With a storied history that dates back to the 16th century as a form of French social dancing, whatever your goal, ballroom dancing in Sarasota can be a challenging and enjoyable way to share this pastime.

1. It's Never too Late to Start Ballroom Dancing

Age doesn't matter in dancing. Sure, the older we get the more we worry about our abilities. However, dancing is something that spans all generations. We've seen couples in their 90s spinning circles around couples in their 30s! Here at SouL Dance we've had clients as young as 5 years old.

Dancing is a form of expression and connection with music. Ballroom brings this together with elegance and style that can be learned by anyone at any age. In fact, it's a great way to bridge the divide we often see between age groups. In our group classes, we find retired persons here having fun with younger, more agile dancers. And, guess what. They have a blast together!

Tango Class of mixed ages led by SouL Dance instructor Sanda Lungu

2. Ballroom Lessons Are Great Exercise

We all have achy joints and little inflammation here or there. It's normal. And as we age, it's ever important to maintain muscle mass and cardiovascular health. And what better way to do this than spend 45 minutes on a treadmill at a boring gym in a fun ballroom tango class? Yes, that's right, dancing can improve cardiovascular health, lung capacity, and help maintain muscle mass.

In a published scientific study, researchers from Italy had this to say about the effects of ballroom dancing on health:

"Dance practice requires a considerable cognitive, physical, and emotional engagement that could induce positive functional adaptations potentially promoting health-related benefits in inexperienced older dancers."

And why wouldn't it? Ballroom dancing like Tango, Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha-Cha and other dances require endurance, balance, and other forms of athleticism that could promote positive body composition and other positive health outcomes. Not only that, but it requires you to use your brain in remembering patterns and moves. A great way to stay mentally sharp!

And the best part about it? Dancing is never boring!

3. Ballroom Dancing Fosters Positive Social Experiences

Aside from the health benefits of ballroom dancing, learning a dance like Tango can introduce you to new and interesting people. Social dancers are usually very excited about the challenge of learning something new each week and sharing it with other like-minded people. It's a great way to make friends and acquaintances within your community.

Let's take one of our students at SouL Dance as an example:

John is a 40-year-old education professional who took a new job and moved to Bradenton in September of 2022. He didn't know anyone. One sunny day in October, he ran into a Cuban salsa dancer on the beach at Anna Maria Island with her Brazilian dancing friend. Together, they introduced him to the basic steps of salsa right there on the beach, dancing to the Latin beats coming from their Bluetooth speaker.

The next week, they invited him to Joyland Club on Tuesday Latin Nights where he met a host of other dancers, including Sanda Lungu from SouL Dance Studio. Sanda was gracious to follow his beginner steps and offered him lessons that started in November.

John enjoying one of SL Dance Studio's ballroom classes in Sarasota

Since that time, John has been part of the SouL Dance community, becoming a competent intermediate dancer in everything from Salsa to Tango and other ballroom styles. When he isn't working, you can find him at many of the social events that SouL Dance hosts and other dance events throughout the area. In fact, he completed his first dancing showcase with SL Dance in April of 2023.

And his story is just one of many who come in search of ballroom lessons in the Sarasota area.

How to Get Started Ballroom Dancing in the Sarasota Area

Whether you've never taken a single dance lesson, or you're a seasoned pro, the best way to get started with ballroom dance lessons in the Sarasota area is to sign up with a professional dance instructor. In our Ultimate Guide to Dancing in Sarasota, we give you a lot of tips and tricks on where to go for dancing in this area, so be sure to check that out.

We'd also like to invite you to give us a try at SouL Dance Studio. Our approach to teaching ballroom dancing is one of the most effective ways to learn properly and efficiently. Without the hustle and bustle of larger dance studios, we offer greater attention to detail for our clients as a boutique dance studio. We're also conveniently located in Sarasota, Bradenton, and Lakewood Ranch areas!

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule a call with us today!